Professional Services
Municipal and Transportation Engineering
We offer a complete range of municipal engineering services including transportation, street design, parking lots, drainage and erosion control, storm and sanitary sewer systems, environmental, municipal planning, subdivision ordinance review, and plan review.
Land Surveying and
3D Scanning
We offer surveying and 3D scanning technology services in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. This includes ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, site and topographic surveys, boundary surveys, plats, house and construction staking, flood insurance elevation surveys, structure monitoring, and mortgage surveys.
Land Development
Planning & Engineering
Our site development planning and engineering services include: concept planning, preliminary subdivision plans, rezoning, final development plans, construction plans, erosion control plans, platting and other survey work, and construction phase services.
Wetland Delineation / Mitigation
Wetland delineation is outlining existing wetlands and mitigation is the replacement of a wetland to be filled. Our additional capabilities include delineation surveys and reports, mitigation plans, wetland design, wetland impacts permitting, and regulatory compliance assistance.
Construction Phase Services & Vibration Monitoring
We provide construction administration and observation services including contractor selection, change orders, communication, pay requests, record keeping, and drawings of record. We also offer pre- and post-condition surveys and vibration monitoring
Schools, Parks and Recreation Facilities
Our experienced staff provides consulting, planning, design and construction services for parks and recreation facilities, trails and bike paths, sports complexes, track and field facilities, tennis courts, basketball courts, campgrounds and picnic area designs.
Contact Us
Have more questions about our services? Get in touch to learn more.